

This past Sunday (7/23) was our monthly MITC at the park. This time, we decided to go on Sunday evening. Total 10 of us went with 25 sandwitches. And, had a great time talking with them, and even praying with some. We even saw a homeless person whom we met in our previous outing. We didn't take any pictures from the park because it just seems inappropriate to take pictures when we are feeding them and praying with them. But, here are some pictures prior to going to the park - while making the sandwitches at the church. May the Lord bless the homeless at the park and may He continue to give us wisdome and compassion to serve them to our best ability!

Bonfire Night! (7/16)

We had a great bonfire night on Sunday evening after worship gathering. Some of us jumped in the water, we cooked hot dogs for dinner, had a great fire going, told our "most embarrasing momments" and we even played volleyball and, yes, dodgeball - that is until we were somewhat rudely asked to stop playing by an irriated neighbor bonfirer to whom we were hitting the ball repeatedly. I once again thank Brian and Anna for organizing the event! Enjoy the pictures taken by Pomin!

A little update...

Summers can be a slow time, taking breaks and sometimes becoming spiritually complacent. However, I knew this summer would be a very important summer for me and our church. Nothing on the outside might change drastically, but it's a summer that would become an important step toward where the church needs to go. I knew it wiould not be a summer of taking breaks but one of building the foundation for the church. So far, it has been a busy summer. Church is building the foundation step by step, week by week. And personally, it's also been a busy summer for Kathy and me already.

In my previous post, I shared some pictures and thoughts on visiting New York for a meeting I attended. Right after I got back from the trip, Kathy and I went to Spain (and England on the way back) for a friend's wedding that I officiated. The wedding weekend was not only a precious and beautiful moment but also a great fun! It is good to experience and witness genuine love among people. And, for seeing two cities (Madrid and London) for the first time in life, I was once again reminded that the world is big and diverse. It reminded and challenged me to be a global-minded while being faithful to my local city - Long Beach. Here are some pictures from the trip!