
A Reflection...

It's a time for me to reflect on on some of the changes that are happening in CITC and in my ministry philosophy.

First, I'm very thankful and amazed by the faithful leading of the Holy Spirit that I can clearly see as I reflect on the past several months. You don't often realize at the time, but looking back it's clear for me to see that God's hand was there all along. And, that where I am, where the church is at, is because of God's good will. No, I'm not saying that things couldn't have been better nor that I or we followed God's will perfectly. We could have done many things better, we could have discerned God's will better and earlier, and etc... but in the end we are where God wants us to be and where God wants us to go.

I've realized two significant truths - one about church and one about my leadership.

First, church is a collection of beings, not a place to attend or an organization to belong to. It's not a place to give nor receive religious services. And it's not something we belong to through a membership. Yes, these images of church are partially true. But in it's essence, church is a group of people. Church is a term describing the reality of followers of Christ coming together - to love one another and to love the world, and to proclaim the Gospel. Church is not a physical entity - something you see down the street, but it's a spiritual reality - one that is alive, always evolving, and eternal.

Of course, this understanding of church has been taught to me in various ways. But, the significance for me is that I finally got it! I finally understand what Apostle Paul was talking about when he described church as a body of Christ. I finally understand when other leaders of church cry out that church is not a place, nor a building, but a people. I finally get it - not in any more profound ways that others have but definitely in simple and real way that makes sense to me, my heart and soul. So, for this I thank God - for his faithfulness and patience in teaching me this important truth.

This new understanding of church is then closely tied to my new understanding of what it means to be a pastor and how to exercise my leadership position. Since church is not a religious organization, I'm really not the provider of religious service. I, as a pastor, is not at church to provide for the members what they need for their sense of religious well-being. I'm not hired for this task. Instead, I'm foremost simply one of the persons who make up the church. I'm a Christian before a pastor. As a Christian, like any others, I'm part of a church and I'm here to love and worship God, love others, receive love from God and others, and to shine for Jesus in this world. Theologically speaking, I, with others, am commissioned by Jesus (as God sent Jesus) to 1) represent God through love, 2) serve God's world through mercy, and 3) proclaim the Gospel in truth. This is something God has commmissioned ALL believers to do. And, this is the most fundamental calling for my life as well. In addition, then, I happened to be in a position of influence where others can model after my life as a Christian, where I can direct/help/coach others to live out their life as Christians, and where I can teach others of God's truth. In other words, I'm, first, living as a Christian like any others, and secondly, I'm doing what I can to help others to do the same.

Again, this understand is not anything I haven't heard of. But, the difference is that I think I finally get it to my core being! I feel like I finally see it in a fresh way. Things won't come naturally because of my long standing in the traditional church and pastoral leadership model. But, I thank God because I feel like a new work has begun in me. And, since it's God who started he will see it through.

So, church is pretty simple. Leading a church is also pretty simple. Of course, not easy - but simple. Worship, love, learn the truth, and serve others. As I do these not so easy but simple things about being a Christian, and bring others to join me doing so, the rest is up to God. He will do his work, and the world, Bible promises, will see who Jesus is.

Lord, I thank you for this paradigm shift. Not just trying to do the same things better, but actually doing the right things. Knowing the difference between what is religious and what is spiritual. Making things simple and clear. Setting the course for us. I thank you for your patience and faithfulness. Your tenacity in teaching me these truths. I know it won't come naturally all the time. So, I ask for your Spirit to empower me. I ask you, Holy Spirit, to instill in me your truths, your heart, and your way of things. Help me to give my best. But, in the end, make it so that it will come more and more natural for me. May the Lord be with all of us at CITC in our future together.