Several more people have signed-up for fasting prayer since Sunday. Specifically, we have added one Monday all-day fasting, two Wednesday dinner fasting, and two Friday all-day fasting. Some of them are actually from outside our regular church members. They have been receiving our church update and decided to join in.
Thank you Lord for these people and I have no doubt that you will powerfully use these prayers to transform us and transform through us. May you will be done here as it is in heaven!
news from Harrel in China!
Just thought I'd send an e.mail your way to let you know how things are going here.... I'm in Hong Kong right now, so finally I have found some internet connection again. In Shanghai I had limited access (found it, but it was expensive), and none when I visited Yellow Mountain. Shanghai was really fascinating, especially the fake market they have there, and of course, I had to buy some DVD's (amongst other things) since they were about $0.62 USD per movie. The upside to the trip so far has definitely been Yellow Mountain where I got to experience some of God's creation at its finest. The scenery was ridiculously beautiful. The only downside to this part of the trip was that my memory card for digital camera stopped working and I lost the pictures I had taken of the trip up to this point. I have another card, so the rest of the trip should be documented, but not of Yellow Mountain. Good news though: My friend Danny took several pictures as well, so I can get them from him when we go back home.
Hong Kong is a wonderful blend of west and east colliding into an interesting blend. I'm staying at the most rundown hostel room I could imagine, but it's home for now. Tonight I'm moving into another room with another hostel so I can experience things a little cleaner. I have a couple friends here in Hong Kong who've shown me around a little, so it's really nice to get a local view of the culture/food/etc.
Following Hong Kong, I'll be visiting Macao, then flying to Thailand, over to cambodia, and lastly back into China where I will stay in Yangji to attempt to interview the North Koreans. I'll be arriving home Sept. 16th, I believe, which is a Friday, so I will be back in time for service on the 18th. Please keep me informed about any new locations so I can be prepared. It sounds like God is really blessing the foundation of our new church, and as such, I'm excited about the vision you have (repeatedly) shared with us. How is Bible study going? I've been keeping up with the workbook here, as time permits, and look forward to catching up with you guys the following thursday of my return.
The only real downside to my trip so far was that I got pickpocketed for $400 RMB which is about $50 USD. $50 isn't so much money to lose, but $400 RMB could've lasted me for about a week in China. The exchange rate is 8 RMB to $1. To give you an idea, I eat my meals for about 5-10 RMB, and stay in a room for 40 RMB. Well, I've got to get going, there's someone else waiting for the internet here at the coffee shop I'm in (that has FREE internet access), but I will write again as soon as I can. Please share with others how my trip is going, and I'll be joining the prayer requests for our church this week as well. Due to money constraints, I'm fasting a meal or two per day anyways (haha), but will focus a few on the prayer requests from your blog.... Hope as is well back home, and God Bless....
In Christ-
Hong Kong is a wonderful blend of west and east colliding into an interesting blend. I'm staying at the most rundown hostel room I could imagine, but it's home for now. Tonight I'm moving into another room with another hostel so I can experience things a little cleaner. I have a couple friends here in Hong Kong who've shown me around a little, so it's really nice to get a local view of the culture/food/etc.
Following Hong Kong, I'll be visiting Macao, then flying to Thailand, over to cambodia, and lastly back into China where I will stay in Yangji to attempt to interview the North Koreans. I'll be arriving home Sept. 16th, I believe, which is a Friday, so I will be back in time for service on the 18th. Please keep me informed about any new locations so I can be prepared. It sounds like God is really blessing the foundation of our new church, and as such, I'm excited about the vision you have (repeatedly) shared with us. How is Bible study going? I've been keeping up with the workbook here, as time permits, and look forward to catching up with you guys the following thursday of my return.
The only real downside to my trip so far was that I got pickpocketed for $400 RMB which is about $50 USD. $50 isn't so much money to lose, but $400 RMB could've lasted me for about a week in China. The exchange rate is 8 RMB to $1. To give you an idea, I eat my meals for about 5-10 RMB, and stay in a room for 40 RMB. Well, I've got to get going, there's someone else waiting for the internet here at the coffee shop I'm in (that has FREE internet access), but I will write again as soon as I can. Please share with others how my trip is going, and I'll be joining the prayer requests for our church this week as well. Due to money constraints, I'm fasting a meal or two per day anyways (haha), but will focus a few on the prayer requests from your blog.... Hope as is well back home, and God Bless....
In Christ-
Common Prayers for Church In The City
We have many people who signed up to fast and pray for a meal or a whole day during the next 2 weeks. So far we have 8 Monday breakfasts, 2 Monday lunches, 6 Monday all-days, 6 Tuesday breakfasts, 2 Tuesday all-days, 4 Wednesday breakfasts, 2 Wednesday lunches, 3 Thursday breakfast, 4 Friday breakfasts, 2 Friday all-days, and 2 Saturday all-days. This means, we have someone fasting and praying every day of the week, and every single meal except Wednesday dinner, and Thursday lunch and dinner.
These are some of the prayers we have as a body. Feel free to add anything more and join our effort by leaving comments here. May God move us and move through us in our prayers!
1. God and His sovereignty, faithfulness, and grace upon us
2. Vision and many blessings God has given
3. People God has brought together
4. ...
People—each other
1. Unity amongst our diverse background
2. Members who are in need (Harrel, Moon…)
3. God’s passion and heart in everyone
4. To discern our individual roles in church
5. For more workers (Children director...)
6. ...
1. Holy Spirit - His anointing and leading
2. Clear discernment on next moves
3. To find creative ways to reach out
4. For the Block and Orange County
5. Next 2 weeks of prayer fasting
(personal revival & filling of HS as church)
6. “Be A Link” workshop on 9/11
7. Unity with other churches
These are some of the prayers we have as a body. Feel free to add anything more and join our effort by leaving comments here. May God move us and move through us in our prayers!
1. God and His sovereignty, faithfulness, and grace upon us
2. Vision and many blessings God has given
3. People God has brought together
4. ...
People—each other
1. Unity amongst our diverse background
2. Members who are in need (Harrel, Moon…)
3. God’s passion and heart in everyone
4. To discern our individual roles in church
5. For more workers (Children director...)
6. ...
1. Holy Spirit - His anointing and leading
2. Clear discernment on next moves
3. To find creative ways to reach out
4. For the Block and Orange County
5. Next 2 weeks of prayer fasting
(personal revival & filling of HS as church)
6. “Be A Link” workshop on 9/11
7. Unity with other churches
What a meeting tonight!

What a great blessed meeting we had tonight! It was our very first concerted prayer meeting, and not only we had 40+ people for the first time but it was truly a wonderful, spirit-filled worship with a lot of praises and prayers.
First, Elliot and his band led us deep into the presence of God. It was great to have a female singer for the first time and also percussion for the first time.
Next, we were reminded from Acts 1-2 that when God starts something new he calls his people to pray before anything else. Through prayer God changes us and those around us.
And, we saw a video clip of "Transformation" - a story about how God changed a city in Colombia through prayers of his faithful servants. I still remember the pastor "Julio" and his family (his daughters who said their father's death lives on inside of them and his wife who says "it is well with my soul" even after his death). And, I remember how people joyfully gave testimonies, saying "it is a different life!"
Finally, we spent time together praying to our heavenly Lord! Not so much about our own well-being, but for the vision God has given us, the communities we live in, and the people God has brought together. There truly is something special about letting go of my self and giving my all to Jesus and for His mission. As Jesus said, those who lose their lives for him are actually gaining it to its fullest!
I believe many of us were touched by God. And, we also made commitments to fast and pray for the next 2 weeks. Some for a meal here and there and some for a whole day fasting.
Yes! God is starting something new here. And, we know for sure it is only through His power that this will succeed. And, it is only through prayer God will move through us.
May we have the faith and strength to continue praying. Continue to call upon the Lord of heaven, continue to proclaim that it is only by His grace that we are saved, and continue to ask for more of his power so that we may make a difference in where we live.
Thank you Lord for tonight, for your presence, and for your people. Thank you Lord that you are starting something new among us.
Indonesian Festival (8/20)

Some of us had a great time joining the celebration of Indonesian Independence Day on 8/20 (sat). Great people, good food, and many interesting things to see and learn.
I didn't know there are total 17,000 islands that make up the nation, and my quick research tells me 80% of the total population is Muslim. Maybe next year our church can join the festival for an outreach.
Prayer for this world
Lord, hear our prayer for this world, this world that you've given to us.
Out of the vast universe, you've given us our own very Jerusalem.
Here in Orange County, the Block at Orange, and the cities around.
Lord, today you gave us a new passion, a passion to pray for your city.
A city you died for, a city in need of new Spirit.
May this city be reclaimed in your name.
Where there is despair, may hope be found.
Where there is hopelessness and confusion, may you show the way.
Where there is brokeness and hurts, may your healing touch be known.
This city has so much - yet it is nothing without you.
Among many people and buildings, it needs Jesus and transformation.
A new church you have called - may your new work be done.
And, may your people be filled with your heart and prayers for this city.
Out of the vast universe, you've given us our own very Jerusalem.
Here in Orange County, the Block at Orange, and the cities around.
Lord, today you gave us a new passion, a passion to pray for your city.
A city you died for, a city in need of new Spirit.
May this city be reclaimed in your name.
Where there is despair, may hope be found.
Where there is hopelessness and confusion, may you show the way.
Where there is brokeness and hurts, may your healing touch be known.
This city has so much - yet it is nothing without you.
Among many people and buildings, it needs Jesus and transformation.
A new church you have called - may your new work be done.
And, may your people be filled with your heart and prayers for this city.
Indo-American Festival on 8/13

Some of us joined PEACE CLINIC and JESUS FILM for an outreach event at the Indo-American Independence Day Festival held in Norwalk, CA. Peace Clinic is a group of Acupuncture doctors who shares a vision to reach out to the unreached ethnic groups in America through their medial skills. They have a free-clinic on every Saturday in Anaheim and go around various festivals year-around to give their service in Jesus' name. And, Jesus Film is of course one of the greatest mission tools that church has seen in the past century of christian mission. Recently, the film is translated to the various ethnic dialects of Indians and part of the outreach at the festival was to hand these DVDs out to the thousands of Indo-Americans that were there.
It was a great time being out there all day and being reminded how we have such a great field of harvest right here where we live. And, to remember that our church is to reach out to these people...
I was once again humbled by the dedication and compassion hearts these acupuncture doctors had for God and His service. Every Saturday for free clinic and many times a year for such an outdoor event at ethnic festivals... Some of them don't even speak English very well, and I'm always touched by their service whenever I get to serve God with them.
There are other festivals coming up in coming months. May the Lord bless both Peace Clinic and Jesus Film. And anyone who wants to join me on Saturdays to work with the doctors at Peace Clinic, let me know (they need administrative help). Anyone who needs Jesus Film DVD in different languages let me know as well. I can hook you up!
A Multicultural Family!
Yesterday, I met a new brother in Christ for the first time and ended up being invited to his home for dinner and a time of prayer. I usually would say no when someone I just met invites me to his home but something made me to say yes and boy I'm glad I did! It was such a blessing to meet his whole family and hear their passion for God and church.
Not going into the details about their life, one thing I can share is that the brother I met is a Vietnamese-American and his wife is a Mexican-American. The husband came to the States when he was really young so he speaks English fluently and Vietnamese a little, whereas the wife could only speak Spanish when they first met about 7 years ago. Now, she can communicate in English pretty well and he can understand Spanish pretty good too! Yesterday at the dinner table, we had some Mexican soup with rice and soy sauce. How more multicultural a family can be?
Right now they are going to a Spanish-speaking church where the husband uses a simultaneous interpretation device to understand what's going on. And, he has shared with me his desire to find an English-speaking church for himself as well so he can go to two churches on Sunday (one for himself and one for his family).
Of course, my mind immediately started to take off on how a church like CHURCH IN THE CITY can potentially meet the needs of a family like his. Could we possibly be a church that is predominantly done in English but still be available to meet the needs of those who might have limited English skills? I think we can and we will work hard toward that goal.
There was so much more to my meeting with him yesterday, and I was very blessed and encouraged to meet another brother and family fired up for God. May the Lord bless this family and use them in very special ways, and may the Lord equip our church so that we may be able to serve such a family!
Not going into the details about their life, one thing I can share is that the brother I met is a Vietnamese-American and his wife is a Mexican-American. The husband came to the States when he was really young so he speaks English fluently and Vietnamese a little, whereas the wife could only speak Spanish when they first met about 7 years ago. Now, she can communicate in English pretty well and he can understand Spanish pretty good too! Yesterday at the dinner table, we had some Mexican soup with rice and soy sauce. How more multicultural a family can be?
Right now they are going to a Spanish-speaking church where the husband uses a simultaneous interpretation device to understand what's going on. And, he has shared with me his desire to find an English-speaking church for himself as well so he can go to two churches on Sunday (one for himself and one for his family).
Of course, my mind immediately started to take off on how a church like CHURCH IN THE CITY can potentially meet the needs of a family like his. Could we possibly be a church that is predominantly done in English but still be available to meet the needs of those who might have limited English skills? I think we can and we will work hard toward that goal.
There was so much more to my meeting with him yesterday, and I was very blessed and encouraged to meet another brother and family fired up for God. May the Lord bless this family and use them in very special ways, and may the Lord equip our church so that we may be able to serve such a family!
Sunday gathering (8/7)
What a great meeting we had on Sunday! A great worship led by KK and his team (by the way, welcomes to KK and his family as they come on board as our very first worship director!) and several new faces joining us... it couldn't have gotten any better as we finish up our 2 1/2 months of sharing visions and getting to know each other!
So, we've now met for 11 weeks on Sunday evening - first several times at homes and the past 5 times at Doubletree Hotel. And, we've grown from a handful of people to now about 25 regulars - all ages, and several ethnicities. Of course, we still have a long way to go, but I do want to pause for a moment and acknowledge God's faithfulness and presence with us. Thank you Lord for keep encouraging us and providing for us!
Summarizing what we've talked about in our meetings:
OUR MISSION (our purpose): "Being a witness of Jesus Christ in this world (Matt 28)"
OUR VISIONS (our dreams): "Bringing God where people are!"
#1. Missional (outward-focused): church that is for the world
#2. Postmodern (culturally influential): church that is engaged in today's culture
#3. Multicultural: church that includes everyone and anyone
OUR CORE VALUES (what we believe in):
#1. Unity: being one with Christ and one with each other (Jn 17)
#2. Love: following the example of humility shown by Jesus Christ (Phil. 2)
#3. Faith: "good intention and faithful deeds" (2 Thess. 1:11)
We feel great about the visions God has given us. Now it's time for us to give our "good intentions and faithful deeds" - our hearts and bodies. May the Lord keep moving us forward!
So, we've now met for 11 weeks on Sunday evening - first several times at homes and the past 5 times at Doubletree Hotel. And, we've grown from a handful of people to now about 25 regulars - all ages, and several ethnicities. Of course, we still have a long way to go, but I do want to pause for a moment and acknowledge God's faithfulness and presence with us. Thank you Lord for keep encouraging us and providing for us!
Summarizing what we've talked about in our meetings:
OUR MISSION (our purpose): "Being a witness of Jesus Christ in this world (Matt 28)"
OUR VISIONS (our dreams): "Bringing God where people are!"
#1. Missional (outward-focused): church that is for the world
#2. Postmodern (culturally influential): church that is engaged in today's culture
#3. Multicultural: church that includes everyone and anyone
OUR CORE VALUES (what we believe in):
#1. Unity: being one with Christ and one with each other (Jn 17)
#2. Love: following the example of humility shown by Jesus Christ (Phil. 2)
#3. Faith: "good intention and faithful deeds" (2 Thess. 1:11)
We feel great about the visions God has given us. Now it's time for us to give our "good intentions and faithful deeds" - our hearts and bodies. May the Lord keep moving us forward!
My first Golf outing!
Yesterday, thanks to Paul S, I went out on the field for the first time. In my entire life, I've gone to the range few times but never to the field itself. And, I've been carrying around my dad's club for several years now, thinking one day I will eventually put it in use. So, when Paul asked me to come out to his weekly outing on Monday evening, I was so excited! And, nervous that I would be really bad - making everyon frustrated...
There were four guys total, and I had SO MUCH fun. And, I must say I did pretty ok for being out there for the first time (I didn't lose any ball on the field!).
Too bad I didn't have my camera with me to capture the moment. But, the weather was perfect, the guys were terrific, and the joy of watching the little white ball sailing over the hill to the wide open green field... I don't know how often I will make it out there on Mondays, but I must say I am very excited about it! anyone interested in joining? It's only $10!
There were four guys total, and I had SO MUCH fun. And, I must say I did pretty ok for being out there for the first time (I didn't lose any ball on the field!).
Too bad I didn't have my camera with me to capture the moment. But, the weather was perfect, the guys were terrific, and the joy of watching the little white ball sailing over the hill to the wide open green field... I don't know how often I will make it out there on Mondays, but I must say I am very excited about it! anyone interested in joining? It's only $10!
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