I was thinking...
What if there was no such thing as new year? What if months continue beyond 12 months (i.e. December) and never stop? That we number our age not by years but by months? Or for that matter, what if there was no months either, or no weeks and days??? What if we live our lives without any system of counting how much we have lived?
I'm sure we humankind would have come up with some kind of arbitrary system to count our lives, but I'm in awe to remember that the current system we have (days, weeks, months, and years) are actually how God designed it. As I was reading Genesis this morning, I can't stop but think that what God had in mind when he was creating sun, moon, and stars are not just to shine lights to his universe but also to create a system that gives a rhythm to the lives of his created beings. "God said, 'let there be lights... and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years...'" (gen. 1:14).
I used to think that a new year's day is just another day. It comes every 365 days or sometimes 366. We don't suddenly get one year older when the calender turns January 1, or we don't see anything drastically change in the world just because it's a new year. Everything is still the same, nothing has seemingly changed, and we simply start writing 2007 on our checkbook rather than 2006.
But this year, I'm being a little more reflective - maybe I'm getting older... I really think it was God's genius design to give us new years (and new months, new weeks, and new days). He knew we could handle only 12 months worth of mishaps. We need a fresh start, a new year with new resolutions, and new year with new goals and attitudes - in just about every 12 months. Likewise he knew we could only handle about 30 days in a month, 7 days in a week, and no more than 24 hours in a day. You see, God created us and he knew exactly what we could handle and what would be our optimal rhythm of life. To me, he is a genius!
So, I'm thankful this year that I get a new year called year 2007. It's not just another year, not just another day. It means a new start - not necessarily saying the old year was bad or meaningless - but that 2007 is a new year with renewed mindset, recharged energy, and refocused vision. It will be a new year because it will be unlike any other years. Yes, it will repeat many things from previous years but it never duplicate things completely.
As I reflect on 2006 I see how God worked in my lives and around me. It surely was a year of many provisions from God. God did many things in ways that I couldn't have guessed beginning of the year. And now I look forward to another year of surprises and gifts from God. Yes, probably some trials and tests as well. But, one thing I know is that this is how God designed it and that his grace and mercy will be new every morning, new every week, and new every month and year. Happy new year to everyone, and may the Lord bless you with a sense of new hope and new dreams!
A Movie Night (Pursuit of Happyness) and MITC
This past Friday, Kathy and I went out to see a movie called Pursuit of Happyness. Will Smith was in it - with his real son playing the role of his on-screen son. Kathy likes Will Smith and she wanted to see his cute son in movie. And, we heard this was based on a true story about a homeless man.
This movie, as Kathy calls it, wasn't so hollywood-ish. No spectacular special effects, not too many famous actors (other than will smith and his son), and it also wasn't a typical melodramatic feel-good movie which just makes you feel good for holiday season and that's it. It was a rare movie that stayed with me long after we left the theatre that night. And I would think that it really didn't cost the producers too much money to make this movie.
Maybe it was because it was based on a true story about a man who is still alive, Chris Gardner. Or, because it was about homelessness - which has been on my mind for a while these days. Perhaps, it was because it wasn't a movie that I could make a quick analysis at it and move on from it. Yes, it was a story of a man who was motivated to succeed in life because of his desire to care for his son. It is a movie that would give hope to people who might be at the edge of giving up on their life this holyday season. But, for me, it was also a movie that talked about homelessness as a social epidemic. It described the life of a man, but for me it also described the lives of many homeless men and women in this nation.
A few days before I watched the movie, I was also listening to a national public radio show on homelessness. Anyone who is interested, I recommend to listen to their first show called "The Issue of the Homeless - Is there a Solution that Works?."
Yesterday (Sunday), our church did our monthly Mission In The City for December - by going out to Lincoln Park in downtown Long Beach to feed homeless and also to give out some sleeping bags. We also gave out the flyers for the winter shelter just opened by Long Beach Rescue Mission. We know that a meal and a blanket do not cure the homeless epidemic, and we know that there are several professional organizations in Long Beach that do their very best to address this issue most effectively. But, I thought we would still go - if nothing else, to learn and hear their stories. What makes them homeless? What is different about their life to ours? What would God say about who they are, what they are doing, and what kind of future they should look forward to? What does Christmas mean for them other than receiving meals and blankets?
Just like the movie, Pursuit of Happyness, I don't have any easy analysis on homelessness. But, one thing I know is that Jesus Christ was born for them just as much; that God of salvation is still their God; and that they deserve to be happy as anyone else.
I saw a glimpse of that happiness when we were singing Christmas Carol with them at the park yesterday. In fact, they were singing them not as Christmas Carols, but as worship songs. Yes, they were worshipping God just like we would at the church - and more. And, I saw small happiness on their faces and in their voices. For them, pursuing happiness is receiving free meals, finding a winter shelter to sleep in, and singing Christmas worship songs with strangers who visited them. I'm happy that they were happy. But, I also couldn't stop thinking that with little help, they could be even happier in life. What can I do for them? What can our church do for them? Who is Chris Gardner in our lives?
MITC - homeless thanksgiving meal

Some of us went to Christian Outreach in Action in downtown Long Beach to serve thanksgiving meal to the homeless. We didn't do much because so many other volunteers turned out to help^^ but it was a good time!
MITC - The Watts

This past Sunday (7/23) was our monthly MITC at the park. This time, we decided to go on Sunday evening. Total 10 of us went with 25 sandwitches. And, had a great time talking with them, and even praying with some. We even saw a homeless person whom we met in our previous outing. We didn't take any pictures from the park because it just seems inappropriate to take pictures when we are feeding them and praying with them. But, here are some pictures prior to going to the park - while making the sandwitches at the church. May the Lord bless the homeless at the park and may He continue to give us wisdome and compassion to serve them to our best ability!
Bonfire Night! (7/16)

We had a great bonfire night on Sunday evening after worship gathering. Some of us jumped in the water, we cooked hot dogs for dinner, had a great fire going, told our "most embarrasing momments" and we even played volleyball and, yes, dodgeball - that is until we were somewhat rudely asked to stop playing by an irriated neighbor bonfirer to whom we were hitting the ball repeatedly. I once again thank Brian and Anna for organizing the event! Enjoy the pictures taken by Pomin!
A little update...

Summers can be a slow time, taking breaks and sometimes becoming spiritually complacent. However, I knew this summer would be a very important summer for me and our church. Nothing on the outside might change drastically, but it's a summer that would become an important step toward where the church needs to go. I knew it wiould not be a summer of taking breaks but one of building the foundation for the church. So far, it has been a busy summer. Church is building the foundation step by step, week by week. And personally, it's also been a busy summer for Kathy and me already.
In my previous post, I shared some pictures and thoughts on visiting New York for a meeting I attended. Right after I got back from the trip, Kathy and I went to Spain (and England on the way back) for a friend's wedding that I officiated. The wedding weekend was not only a precious and beautiful moment but also a great fun! It is good to experience and witness genuine love among people. And, for seeing two cities (Madrid and London) for the first time in life, I was once again reminded that the world is big and diverse. It reminded and challenged me to be a global-minded while being faithful to my local city - Long Beach. Here are some pictures from the trip!
New York, New York!

This week, I was in New York attending a meeting on Multiracial Congregation. It was a gathering of pastors in Reformed Church in America - all of whom have a special burden for creating multiracial churches. I had the honor to represent Asian American community in this group, and it was a very fun and benefial time for me. The group meets twice a year and the next meeting will be in Chicago - my hometown! It's not easy to take time off from my work as chaplan and also as pastor of CITC, but multiracial is one of our visions as a church and what I want to continue to study, learn, and pursue. Also, it's an all-expense paid meeting!
While I was in New York this week, I had the chance to walk around the old "World Trade Center." What a moving experience to walk around what used to be WTC. THe sacrifices so many people have made... The tragedy each family has experienced... It really allowed me to pause for an afternoon and reflect on life, death, and God.
Here are some pictures of the afternoon. Someone wrote a simple message to her now deceased dad... the cross still stands... a wall of heroes... a table of burning candles in the church across the street from where WTC used to be...
Barbecue Party

It was a great time we had on Sunday evening, when everyone came over for a barbecue dinner. We had more people than expected, so we kind of ran out of food at the end. But, I think we all had just enough. Enjoy this picture that I think shows everyone's personality quite well. For those of you who are studying for the end of year papers and finals, hope this meal gave you some strength. And, may the Lord strengthen you even more!

This morning, we (Kathy, Jared, Regina, Pattie, Yoto, Jung, and me) went to the downtown park in Long Beach to hang out with some of the homeless people who also hang out there a lot... It's the second time we've been there on Saturday, and this time we packed 20 sack lunches just in case we meet some people who might appreciate a free meal.
We got together at 10am, made an assembly line to pack 20 lunches (ham & cheese sandwich, some cookies, orange, juice, and last but not least a bible verse to feed their soul...). We got to the downtown park around 11am (a little anxious and excited about what to experience), and as soon as we got there several people recognized us and came for a lunch! I guess they could tell from a mile away we were coming with a free meal. It was good that we didn't have to look for the ways to give out the lunches we made, but we were also worried that we were being seen as simply a meal dispenser!
Well, about half of our lunches got dispensed quickly, and things settled down. And, we could actually give our lunches individually and spend some time with them talking - which was the real cool thing for us. They were very receptive, open, talkative (some very knowledgeable and intelligent), and open to be prayed for. Each of us got some great connections with some of these "park residents" and wished and prayed for the best for them as we headed home eventually.
We didn't really talk about it, but we all knew we would want to come back again...
Also, we met another church group who has been coming out every Saturday for the past 9 months! They are planning to have a prayer meeting next week and invited us to join them. How awesome that God is using various churches to do small yet significant things for the people in the city!
Here are just few pictures from the day (I wanted to take some more, but very quickly I realized that I was there to spend time with these people not just to take pictures for our record). I lost all good "picture moments" but I have their faces in my heart. I just pray they also have our faces in their hearts as a witness of Jesus' love.
Katrina Mission Trip

Few of our church members went to Louisiana for Katrina Mission Trip. We don't hear too much about Katrina anymore now that it's been already a year since the devastating hurricane. However, they told us on Sunday worship time that it's still very much in the beginning stage of cleaning up the great mess that was caused by the storm. Things are still piled up all over the place, buildings still need to be domolished, and still no sight of rebuilding anything yet... Here are some pictures from the trip that they shared with the church. May we continue to keep this region in our prayer.
Here is a recent article on Katrina in Christianity Today.

Hi everyone! I just want to say I'm most thankful for the worship we had on Easter Sunday. All the regular members were there and some new people were visiting as well. I wish I was able to capture some images in my camara so I can share them here. But, I know God was pleased and honored. The hope and power of resurrection! May the Lord continue to meet us at our worship! p.s. finally a picture for my profile.
Settling In...
It's been close to two months since we've been to the "Point" in Long Beach. It seems like two years - we definitely feel very much at home here. Now that we did all the paintings, moved all the furnitures around and stuff, it's not the time to do get our church moving forward, not just physically but spiritually.
There are so much to work on. Worship, Prayer, Bible Study, Spiritual growth, mission, leadership, etc... We are definitely going one block at a time, but I feel good that we are on the right track. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by all the things that rush through my head, but I also feel very proud and grateful that God has led us so far and know that he will contintue to do so.
So far, we've started monthly "Concert of Prayer" and monthly "Mission In The City". It was just a start, but an important step for us. We will also soon start Bible Studies and small groups. And raise up few more leaders...
I'm beginning to meet some new pastors and leaders in Long Beach. They have been here a long time and tells me it's the happening time to join a concerted effort to minister to the city of Long Beach. Two pastors I've recently met are Brad Fieldhouse at Kingdom Causes and Eric Marsh at Hope for Long Beach. They were great not only being an encouragement to me personally but providing an awesome resouce of various ministries in Long Beach. I feel that God has been doing a great work in this city and I feel excited that we can be part of it now.
Lastly, what excites me the most is that we have some new people starting to come. And, most of them are new to church period. I like the fact that many of our church's regular members are either recent or non-Christians. I pray that God can use our church to do his wonderful redemption work.
Personally it's been a very busy few months. Somewhat tired physically... But, thank you Lord! You are the Lord of all!
There are so much to work on. Worship, Prayer, Bible Study, Spiritual growth, mission, leadership, etc... We are definitely going one block at a time, but I feel good that we are on the right track. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by all the things that rush through my head, but I also feel very proud and grateful that God has led us so far and know that he will contintue to do so.
So far, we've started monthly "Concert of Prayer" and monthly "Mission In The City". It was just a start, but an important step for us. We will also soon start Bible Studies and small groups. And raise up few more leaders...
I'm beginning to meet some new pastors and leaders in Long Beach. They have been here a long time and tells me it's the happening time to join a concerted effort to minister to the city of Long Beach. Two pastors I've recently met are Brad Fieldhouse at Kingdom Causes and Eric Marsh at Hope for Long Beach. They were great not only being an encouragement to me personally but providing an awesome resouce of various ministries in Long Beach. I feel that God has been doing a great work in this city and I feel excited that we can be part of it now.
Lastly, what excites me the most is that we have some new people starting to come. And, most of them are new to church period. I like the fact that many of our church's regular members are either recent or non-Christians. I pray that God can use our church to do his wonderful redemption work.
Personally it's been a very busy few months. Somewhat tired physically... But, thank you Lord! You are the Lord of all!
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