For our February MITC (2/25), we went to a drug rehab place in LA downtown, called Nanoom House. Nanoom means "sharing" in Korean. It's run by two Korean pastors and serves primarily the Korean population living throughout United States. Having gained necessary permits and respect from various judges throughout the nation, Nanoom receives many young Korean Americans who have been ordered to go through a rehab process as part of their sentence.
This was my second time visiting Nanoom and first time taking CITC with me. We were greeted by 30-40 residents who were getting ready to have their regular Sunday afternoon worship. Jared led worship for all of us and I led a time of message - speaking from Isaiah. And, after the message, we broke into small groups and prayed for each other.
It was an eye-opening and blessing time for all who were there! Everyone at Nanoom wants us to come back and everyone at CITC wants to go back! The only downside is it's about 30 minutes drive from CITC, but we will definitely go back and perhaps regularly.
I think the main thing that struck all of us was that the residents at Nanoom were very much like those of us at CITC. In terms of age, ethnic and family background, we were so much alike. We share similar thoughts and feelings about life, but somehow they got into bad habits and we were spared from those habits from God. Not because we were so much better that them, but because God somehow showed his mercy upon us when we didn't deserve it. Thankful we are, but we know the greater point to remember is that even the residents at Nanoom are under God's grace and it's not too late for them to experience the joy of living in His grace.
We learned that some of the residents are believers and some are. Some are really struggling to be rehabilitated but some are still hardened in their hearts. I pray for each one of them this day, and I pray God will not give up on them. Well, that I know... I guess what I'm praying is that THEY may not give up on God. And, I pray God will continue to lead CITC to be used in his renewal work in their lives.