
My first Golf outing!

Yesterday, thanks to Paul S, I went out on the field for the first time. In my entire life, I've gone to the range few times but never to the field itself. And, I've been carrying around my dad's club for several years now, thinking one day I will eventually put it in use. So, when Paul asked me to come out to his weekly outing on Monday evening, I was so excited! And, nervous that I would be really bad - making everyon frustrated...

There were four guys total, and I had SO MUCH fun. And, I must say I did pretty ok for being out there for the first time (I didn't lose any ball on the field!).

Too bad I didn't have my camera with me to capture the moment. But, the weather was perfect, the guys were terrific, and the joy of watching the little white ball sailing over the hill to the wide open green field... I don't know how often I will make it out there on Mondays, but I must say I am very excited about it! anyone interested in joining? It's only $10!

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