Traveling sometimes has a way of stretching and shaping your thoughts in a way you couldn’t have predicted. Maybe it’s the new people and places you encounter. Probably some new food you explore. Or, simply the plane rides that take you way above the clouds and give you permission to think a little more ideally that when you were on the earth… Whatever the case is, I’ve gotten to enjoy the opportunities to travel out of town, out of county, and out of my immediate surroundings.
This past month, I’ve had two great opportunities to travel. One was to New York City with Kathy, my wife, to attend a conference on “Multicultural Congregations”. It was an opportunity to meet many other pastors and leaders from various parts of the county who share the common vision of building a multicultural and multiracial congregation as a witness to God’s kingdom and an act of obedience to his call to the church.
First of all, being in NY City was awesome. I had been there several times before, but it was the first time for Kathy. It was just great to experience a new city with her and absorbing the sounds and sights of various cultures of this amazing city. It broadened our views on life, ministry, and people in general. Secondly, being with those whom we shared the common vision was both encouraging and educational. We were motivated for the work ahead of us, and we were given some tools and strategies on how to navigate the mysterious road of being who we are yet also becoming who God wants us to be.
The second trip is to Chicago by myself for 3 days from where I am currently coming back as I write this – yes in the plane, window seat, above the clouds and the corn fields of Iowa or something… It’s not the best scenery but at least I am high above. This trip was a “retreat” with other young pastors in my denomination, Reformed Church in America. We were all invited by the general secretary of the denomination to spend 48 hours together to connect and dream together the future of our life together as a denomination. What it means to be part of RCA, what it means to be missional in this age, how to work together and support one another…
This trip wasn’t necessary a time of stretching my thoughts or learning new things. But, it has given me an image to take home with me. Two fish and five loaves of bread that a boy gave to Jesus which in turned fed 5000 people…. No church is perfect, no pastor is perfect, and no denomination is perfect. There is always something that is lacking in our mind. And, that’s why we work hard to make it better, to grow and to complete the task before us. But, it’s also ok to be lacking, because in its state of lacking it is also sufficient. We can lack in many ways but as long as our hearts are fully devoted to God and his kingdom work, whether God turns it around and feeds 5000 or not, he first says it is enough and will honor the offering and multiply it in his own ways. Often not in immediate ways with noticeable results, but soon or later it will feed 5000.
I thank God for the two trips I was able to make this month - for God's perspectives, for renewal of my spirit, and for focus of vision and faith.
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