Yes, it's official now. Kathy's pregnant with twin boys. The due date is sometime in August, and we are now getting pretty anxious just anticipating the miracle happening. We are calm and feel as ready as we could be, but we also know that there probably are many things we just couldn't have prepared ourselves for - just because we've never done this before!
Right now, yes, we are grateful. But, we are also in some sense resisting the time to go too fast. On one hand, we are eager to see the boys, but we know it will create many changes in our lives that we might not be ready for. We know we will do our best in raising the kids, but for now, we are saying, "ah, what have we done???"
Clearly, God has given this precious gift(s). And, we are well aware of God's involvement and plans in this. May we be faithful to our responsibilities as parents. May we find the wisdom and strength to do so. And, I pray Kathy will have an easy labor - safe, healthy, and meaningful to her as mom. It makes me very proud she is doing as well as she is with this twin pregnancy so far.
By the way, Asher means "blessing" in Hebrew and Kyler means "church" in some European language (Scottish?). We picked because of the meanings as well as simply the sound of them.
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