
Easter Reflection (John 20:1-8)

1. For Jews in Jesus’ time, they were strictly forbidden to go outside during Sabbath – one day of rest in each week. Sabbaths were on today’s Saturdays. So, when Jesus died and was laid in a tomb late Friday afternoon, no one could go near it until early Sunday morning when the Sabbath rule was lifted. Mary Magdalene, a devoted follower of Jesus Christ, could hardly wait until Sunday morning to go see his body – to make sure all is well, to clean up his body, to put perfume and ointment on his body. So, off she went. The very first hour she was allowed to go outside. Mary probably couldn’t sleep at all on Saturday night. Because all that was on her mind was Jesus, her Lord and Savior.

What about you? What is the first thing that is on your mind? On each day, and in your life generally? If you had one thing or person to see, what or who it would be? What is the love of your life? What would wake you up at 5 in the morning of your life?

2. “The other disciple” in this passage refers to John – the disciple who wrote this Gospel. He was one of the twelve disciples who lived with Jesus for the previous three years. But, it’s interesting to note that it was only when Jesus was no longer with him physically that he “believed.” When he could see, he didn’t believe – because he relied on physicality. But, when he couldn’t see he relied on his spirit and believed in faith.

On this Easter morning, we don’t see Jesus with our physical eyes. But can you believe it! Can you believe that he rose from the dead and in his resurrection we are given a new life of faith and hope? Can you believe that in him you have salvation?

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